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Course Assignments

Assign, start, complete, and view course assignments.

GET /course_assignments/{course_assignmentid}

Fetch detailed information about an assignment.

GET /course_assignments/individualSummaries

Fetch summary information about all individuals.

GET /course_assignments/individualSummaries/{userid}

Fetch summary details about an individual. This includes course assignment details.

GET /course_assignments/teamSummaries

Fetch summary information about all teams.

GET /course_assignments/teamSummaries/{teamid}

Fetch summary details about a team. This includes team member and assignment details

GET /course_assignments/completion/course/{wikiid}

Get the overall completion for a course. The value returned is a percentage between 0 and 100.

GET /course_assignments/completion/team/{teamid}

Get the overall completion for a team. The value returned is a percentage between 0 and 100.

GET /course_assignments/completion/user/{userid}

Get the overall completion for a user. The value returned is a percentage between 0 and 100.

GET /course_assignments/completion/team/{$teamid}/user/{userid}

Get the overall completion for a user on a team's assignments. The value returned is a percentage between 0 and 100.

GET /course_assignments/completion/{wikiid}/{userid}

Get an array with the `course_stageid` and a boolean indicating if the stage has been completed for every stage of the given Course and assignee.

GET /course_assignments/courseAssignmentDetails/{course_assignmentid}

Retrieve course assignment data for the specified assignment and currently logged in user. This includes the course author information, and course assignment details with data for each stage. The course assignment can only be viewed if it's assigned to the user that is requesting to view it

GET /course_assignments/sources/team/{assigneeid}

Gets all active course assignments assigned to the team and returns an array of each with the source data

GET /course_assignments/sources/user/{assigneeid}

Gets all active course assignments assigned to the user and returns an array of each with the source data. If the course was assigned to the user via a team they are a member of, it will include the team info, otherwise the team name is null.

POST /course_assignments/completion/courses

Get the overall completion for multiple courses. Completion is calculated from all assignments to each course. This returns completion percents keyed by wikiid.

POST /course_assignments/completion/teams

Get the overall completion for multiple teams. Completion is calculated from all assignments to each team. This returns completion percents keyed by teamid.

POST /course_assignments/completion/users

Get the overall completion for multiple users. Completion is calculated from all assignments to each user as well as assignments to any teams the user is a part of. This returns completion percents keyed by userid.

POST /course_assignments

Assign a course to a user or team.

POST /course_assignments/stage_completions

Fetch a paginated list of course stage completions, which includes details on course assignments, stages, and user assessments. Access to this endpoint is restricted to users with permission to view course assignments.

PATCH /course_assignments/start/{doctype}/{docid}

Start completion on a course stage's document. Will return a 403 error if the user has completed the document.

PATCH /course_assignments/complete/{doctype}/{docid}

Finish completion on a course stage's document.

PATCH /course_assignments/invalidate/{doctype}/{docid}/{userid}

Invalidate completion on a course stage's document. Requires admin privilege.

PATCH /course_assignments/User/completeAll/{assignee_userid}

Force completion for a user on multiple documents. Requires admin privilege.

PATCH /course_assignments/Team/completeAll/{assignee_teamid}

Force completion for a team on multiple documents. Requires admin privilege.

PATCH /course_assignments/User/invalidateAll/{assignee_userid}

Force invalidate multiple documents for a user. Requires admin privilege.

PATCH /course_assignments/Team/invalidateAll/{assignee_teamid}

Force invalidate multiple documents for a team. Requires admin privilege.

DELETE /course_assignments/{course_assignmentid}

Cancel a course assignment.